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A Day in the Life at Muraflex

At Muraflex, we know that a thriving work environment comes from mental wellbeing in addition to skill, talent, and experience. This blog outlines some of the many ways in which Muraflex attempts to create and maintain a peaceful and inspiring workspace.

An otherwise intimidating room, HR coordinator Bianca Alvarado’s office is specifically designed to calm nerves. The scent of citrus-vanilla, soothing jazz, and welcoming little cacti plants are just a start. Bianca is as warm as her space.

Muraflex attempts to make you feel at home from as early as the hiring process. The reception, led by the lovely Zantha, ensures that candidates feel comfortable from the moment they step through the door. The service-oriented approach includes offering coffee, tea, or even chocolate or candy.

“Interviewing is always nerve-wracking,” says Bianca, “We use a down-to-earth approach to make candidates feel relaxed, as if we already know each other. We do this by trying to relate to them.”

Once hired, new employees receive a full two-day training to understand our brand and product. Working at the headquarters helps them truly understand the products and the system, as the building simultaneously functions as a showroom and warehouse. New employees are also gifted with welcome bags containing a Muraflex T-shirt, brochures, glass water bottles, notepad, and a ballpoint pen. Bianca also said that no one at Muraflex has to eat by themselves (unless they choose to). Anyone sitting alone during lunch is invited to join her.

Glass walls provide a sense of collaboration, giving us accessibility to each other and narrowing the gap between hierarchies. Employees are also welcome to use our freestanding pods ZITTO (uno and due) whenever they need privacy, rest or extra focus. In fact, I’m here using it myself right now.  

Muraflex has several strategies to keep up the morale of its employees. The benches outside are used during lunch time or breaks during the warmer months. Muraflex’s exciting events throughout the year include ice-cream truck visits, summer barbecues, Halloween and holiday parties, games during Easter, acknowledgement on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Muraflex goes the extra mile by organizing team-building activities such as go-karting, which employ strategy and adrenaline. HR sends company-wide emails, welcoming new hires or congratulation promotions and other milestones.

A typical day at Muraflex begins with turning on your computer and walking over to the complimentary coffee machine, which gives us numerous options, ranging from cortado to cappuccino to hot chocolate to tea. Because of the truly family-like dynamic, employees catch up while waiting for their turn. The humour and banter start the day off with good vibes.

With beverage in hand, we are in work mode. That could mean catching up on emails, starting a creative project, or polishing technical details. Should you need privacy or quiet, there are ZITTO freestanding pods on two of the floors that employees may use briefly. I myself have taken advantage of it numerous times, including as I type this.

At noon, the staff takes their lunches from one of the many fridges, either eating together at the large cafeteria or the bench right outside the building. There’s also a machine with hot meals in case you’ve forgotten your lunch at home. Many also use this time to go to the gym and play a friendly game of ping-pong.

After a generous lunch break, employees may return to the coffee machine to recharge with more caffeine or tea for digestion. While many employees leave the building at 5pm, a good number of them take advantage of the onsite gym. Muraflex has also installed showers next to it.

While not an official office policy, all employees and staff members at Muraflex exhibit a well-dressed appearance, something we take pride in as it aligns with our motto of elegance. Despite the absence of a strict dress code, the work atmosphere remains friendly, possibly influenced by their Italian warmth and salesmanship, even reflected in the CEO and Executive VP, brothers Fernando and Marcello Petreccia, who give off the impression of genuinely caring for each individual. The glazed partition systems not only add a touch of beauty and connection but also contribute to a relaxed environment, fostering creativity, confidence, and a “Yes, we can!” attitude among employees.

Muraflex goes above and beyond to embrace diversity, whether it’s hiring staff from a plethora background or celebrating various cultural events. Furthermore, Muraflex actively seeks employees with diverse talents and makes efforts to accommodate individual preferences and needs. Whether someone thrives in a team or prefers to work independently, whether they are most productive in the morning or afternoon, the company finds ways to adapt and fully embrace everyone's differences.

Muraflex’s commitment to its employees’ wellbeing is evident in every aspect of the company’s culture. From the CEO personally checking in on you from time to time, to HR creating an approachable environment, life at Muraflex is inspiring. Muraflex is proud to welcome vibrant talent to our family.

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