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Springing Into the New Season

Welcome to spring, the season of fresh beginnings. What can you do to make this time of year even more engaging?

While the current global new year begins on January 1st, this was not always the case. Until 45BC, March was when people celebrated the revolution around the sun. In many cultures today, the turn of spring is still what is considered the new year. For example, Iranians enjoy Newroz on March 1st with feasts and music.

After all, spring is a time for new beginnings, whether that means different clothes, different outdoor activities, different sleep schedules, and even a different diet. This can also mean new work habits.

Time to Revamp

New weather, new smells, even the sunlight is a warmer color. Spring screams a fresh start and is an excellent time to rejuvenate your surroundings. If in an office plan, employees can accessorize their work area with newly-framed photographs, sparkling stationery, and motivational quotes for the next year. Most importantly, they can even keep new plants, especially if the office has glazed walls which allow the passage of sunlight.

For a more significant office glow-up, consider changing your office layout with demountable walls. As opposed to its drywall counterpart, demountable walls are designed to be flexible. This eco-friendly solution enables you to manipulate your surroundings without the financial and time-consuming restraints of a traditional dry wall. Not to mention, the natural sunlight that glazed walls allow is a game-changer.

Sustainable Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning is a time-honored tradition that dates back centuries, and we approach it with sustainability in mind. Some great tips to clean your glass walls are spraying an eco-friendly product such as vinegar or baking soda from top to bottom and wiping it down with a squeegee or an old t-shirt. Another trick is to wash them on a cloudy day, as the sun can prematurely dry the walls, leaving stains and residue.

If you’re considering uncluttering, you could refer to this recycling guide to eliminate unwanted material.

Embark on New Projects

Spring is a great time to unlock the potential that had been hibernating all winter. As mentioned above, revamping your office, refreshing your surroundings is an effective way to jumpstart creativity.

What better way to work than to enjoy new colours outside the window through glazed walls, or a cup of coffee with ASMR of rain in the background? Our mind thrives on novelty. New environments breed new ideas, which can easily be done with glazed walls as they are more easily installed and uninstalled.

Whether it's a new marketing campaign, a product launch, or a new business venture, spring is the perfect time to start anew. With the weather warming up and the days getting longer, our minds are more alert and open to new possibilities. We are more likely to take risks and try new things, which can lead to innovative and successful projects.

Company Activities

An excellent time to take advantage of the general sense of optimism, spring is a great time for employees to treat their workers to various activities which were out of our reach just a month ago. These can range from picnics, hikes, barbecues, or happy hour events on patios. Offices can also arrange after-hours yoga sessions or soccer games. Team-building activities will elevate connection, translating it into increased teamwork and enthusiasm when working on office projects.

Spring is also a great time for excursions and field trips whether educational or professional. At Muraflex, we have an annual barbecue, a visiting ice-cream truck, amongst many other treats and celebrations to keep up the employee morale. They often take advantage of the benches outside the building during lunch hours, as well as the healthy snacks in the machines in the cafeteria.

Attention to Emotional Wellbeing

Unfortunately, spring is not all flowers and rainbows for everyone. While feeling low during the winter is widely known and understood, experts have not yet pinned the exact reason why spring depression occurs. They speculate the causes might have to do with daylight saving time, a change in sleep patterns, or perhaps even the pressure to be joyful.

Some ways to tackle this include weekly check-ins with your employees, asking them how you can make their workdays easier. Muraflex is truly a family. My superiors have made me comfortable enough that I can talk to them candidly about my personal issues, and return to my desk more productive than before.

Glazed walls are an excellent way to enhance mental wellbeing in an office setting. Their benefits range from increased sense of mobility, collaboration, and access to natural sunlight which helps with serotonin during the day and ultimately a calmer sleep during the night. Both privacy and teamwork can be achieved with the help of glazed walls.

Wrapping Up

Spring is a time of renewal, growth, and change. It’s a time to pay attention to both physical and mental health and take advantage of the season to boost new-found creativity and productivity.

With demountable walls and glazed windows, you can create a flexible and collaborative workspace that promotes innovation and teamwork. Additionally, by incorporating sustainable practices and healthy habits, you can create a positive and supportive workplace culture that benefits everyone. It’s time to spring into the new season with fresh ideas, renewed energy, and a commitment to growth and success.

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